Friday, September 27, 2013

Being Active in Your Child's Learning

Now, I understand that this website is a little biased in what it produces but I really found this video fascinating.  It's on a couple who started a school because they saw how well behaved and intelligent kids in homeschool were.  I just can't do it justice.  Listen please!

Week 1

Everything this week was so fascinating!

Some of what I liked was our discussion on the definition of family.  The variety of family has changed so much where race, gender, and age is concerned.  We've seen that a variance of intimate relationships prompts people to seek family anywhere, with any one.  To most, family is defined now in terms of who we have affection for and have made a strong connection.  The desire to redefine family comes from the dissatisfaction that people have in families.  Structurally you may be in a family but if there is nothing to bind you together, you will seek "family" somewhere else.

Although this is not a religious blog, in my mind God's opinion cannot be left out.  I am a member of the Mormon faith and one of our modern prophets sent out a proclamation on the family.  I thought that I might include it here because in it, God is telling us His definition of family.  If you're interested in reading a little more about a Christian faith's beliefs on family here's the link:

Another topic we touched on were trends that are showing up now that affect families.  As a class, we voted on what we thought were significant trends(meaning they were important to the development of families), interesting trends(things that were fascinating but weren't so important), and incidental(things that were unconnected with families but are current trends).  The results were fascinating because no one thought the trends were incidental.  The majority of the trends were voted as significant to families because we could see many connections between ALL of the trends.  While some were not deemed as significant as others, they nevertheless have an impact on families.  Here is a rough graph of how we rated the trends:

As a class we also decided that the people who are impacted the most are children.  They are the ones who will feel the good and the bad of these trends.  I think of the Jolie-Pitt children who experience cohabitation, both parents working, and a working mom.  They notice that something isn't right with the idea of living together and not being married and have been pressuring Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to get married.  If children are aware that some modern social habits are not good, we need to take notice and listen.  Perhaps we will be the ones to learn something.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sidewalk: A Metaphor for Teaching in the Home

I wrote this metaphor a year ago for my education class which I tailored to my desire to teach in the home.

My metaphor for teaching and learning is a sidewalk.  The process of building a sidewalk intrigued me and fit into how I want my life to move.  Each step of the process represents the steps of building a strong and even life.
 Sub base
 You start by laying down the correct foundation to keep the sidewalk from shifting when the ground gets wet.  To me, the foundation is built on Christ because he is unshakable and constant.  
These give direction and shape to the sidewalk.  They allow for proper drainage and should be in good condition.    In my metaphor, the forms are the doctrines taught as eternal truths.  They shape our paths as we add them to our firm foundation.
 Pour the concrete and then, before it hardens, rake and move the concrete so there are no air pockets or voids.  Each block of concrete is a separate principle that follows the direction of the doctrines.  You need to have as much knowledge of these principles and faith to support them as you can so you don’t have any voids in your life that Satan can fill.
Screed and Float
 These are tools that we use to even out the depressions and peaks.  They smooth the concrete into its final state.  Screeding and floating are tools that help us fine tune the concrete.  In the same way, tools are used to fine tune our understanding and help the principles and doctrines fit into our lives, with Christ as our foundation.
 You leave the concrete to set so it doesn’t become uneven or cracked.  You also cover it in good quality sealer and wash it with soap and water.  This setting, in the metaphor of life and teaching, is just a period of time when what you’ve learned sinks in, becoming a deep understanding.  You’ll be watching for cracks in your understanding so you can fix them and keeping an eye out for unevenness that might upset the balance in your life.  You will strengthen and care for your faith and knowledge through use of the atonement and the approval of Father in Heaven. 

You have to make an effort to keep things in their proper order.  Now, you can walk in the direction Christ has given you on the strong foundation that he provides in doctrines, principles, and tools.  You cannot be lost if you are on His path.

 Who am I and what motivates me?
 I am a daughter of God.  I am capable of reaching a higher state of myself and attaining perfection.  I have the capacity to learn and grow to heights that I can hardly imagine on my own.  Knowing that I have this potential helps me evaluate where I am and how I can be better.  Remembering who my Father is gives me a direction to work in.  I am also a mother.  I have a divine calling to raise righteous children to the Lord.  I am being blessed to feel a glimpse of the love that Father has for all of us.  I need to be prepared to care for these children and teach them the truths that they need to know.  I have the love of God inside of me, helping me to see with his eyes those that I bring into this world.  I have lessons and experiences that must come my way so I am prepared to love and serve the children he sends to me.  I am an example to others.  This is a really unique one because it means I have a lot to live up to.  I am to be an asset to my brothers and sisters.  I need to live in such a way that those around me will see my happiness and righteousness and want that for themselves.
How do I view those I teach?
 There are two groups of people that I will be blessed to teach.  The first are my children.  I see them as gifts from God that he felt would be best cared for in my hands.  They are better than me and will probably teach me more than I can teach them.  They are ready minds that will love the Lord and desire the truth that comes with that love.  They are special and important.  They have something to offer the world and will do what they can to show it to others.  The second group is those that I associate with.  These will be people from all walks of life and from many different backgrounds.  They will be the people around me that I can serve and love.  They are those that may feel Father’s love but need more guidance or those that are searching for His love.  They are people that I can help with my example and love for them and desire to serve them every way I can.
What is my work as learner and teacher?
 As a learner, it’s my job to be constantly on the lookout for something I can learn.  Life is meant to teach us and if I’m sitting around, avoiding living and life, then I’m not doing my job.  I need to be willing to jump into new situations and look to learn.  I need to observe others and listen to them to expand my understanding.  I have to have a desire to learn if I want to learn something.  As a teacher my task gets a little harder.  I have to understand a concept or a topic before I can teach it.  At the same time, I need to be willing to learn from those I teach because they have something to offer me.  I need to think of ways that my learners will learn best so they can comprehend what I’m teaching.  Like the Savior, I need to think of meaningful questions that prompt some kind of action.  I must remember to teach with love and service.
What is worth teaching?
 I am lucky to have a very clear outline of what exactly I should teach my children.  I am to teach them the principles of the gospel.  I need to teach them to pray and develop a relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  I need to teach the truth that Father loves them and wants them back to live with him.  I need to teach my children the atonement of Jesus Christ and what it personally does for them.  I also need to teach them that Satan is very real and will try to make them his every chance that he gets but that he can only have power over them if they give it to him.  Lastly, I need to teach my children how to grow spiritually from the adversities and challenges they will face. 
How do I learn?
 I learn from observation.  I understand best when things are laid out before me so I can see them.  Things make more sense when they are acted out.  My experiences continue to teach me a lot.  They allow me to measure how much I’m learning from a situation and apply it.  Adversity also teaches me as I experience it.  The trials point out my weaknesses that I may not have seen otherwise. 
Doctrines and Principles
-Teach how the world is now, as it really is(Wolk)           
How I can foster that:  Talk to them about what’s on the news and how it might affect your family.
-Give clues to life around them(Addams)
-Reality is a process children should know.  They should be able to see how they fit into the world(Freire)                                                                    
 -Allow children to discover and choose their social responsibilities.  Give them freedom of creation and imagination.(Wolk)
-We cannot force our children to see and understand light.  They have to choose to see it.(Plato)
-Sacred texts don’t tell us what to do but portrays examples to follow.(Aquinas)                                                              

Nature of Man
 -The name that Father gives us of “children” is the most excellent name he could have given us.  Children are a delight and pleasure.(Commenius)
-The power and capacity of learning is already in the soul.(Plato)
-What can we teach ourselves?  If you do not confine children they will progress better.  People progress according to genius, taste, needs, talents, zeal, and opportunities.  You have to work for what you want.  All men need to experience slight ills.(Rousseau)
-Children are born with knowledge.  There is only an awakening of what’s inside of them.(Freire)
            How can I foster that:  Hands on activities, acts of understanding.
-We need to teach our children to be doers.(Aquinas)                                                               

-Encourage critical thinking.  Help them as they discover themselves and their own motivation.  Create an atmosphere where anything can be questioned and empower them to find an answer through meaningful questions and work.(Wolk)
-Allow them to question what you say.  Teach them to process their ideas and grasp a subject from theory to practice.(Perry)
-Look at the many different ways principles, doctrines, and tools can be organized.  Have them ask themselves what’s most important to their lives then.(Bednar)
-Zeal will atone for lack of learning.  Children need to be encouraged to have a love of learning.(Rousseau)
-Instruction comes by revelation and scriptures.(Aquinas)

"Real" Marriage

I would like to say something about the realistic side of marriage that some people push under the rug. It might be TMI but I really feel like saying something. 

Every day will not be gumdrops and daisies. There will be times within a day where you fight, disagree, have different views and expectations, and you might not want to be around each other. However, marriage offers the sweetest moments of little things that come together to make your love grow for one another. These moments may be small and insignificant but they always mean something to the two people in a marriage. You shouldn't always expect to feel "in love" but you should always recognize the deep, satisfying love that comes from knowing the person you're with won't leave and won't give up. Gumdrops and daisies are nice but, at the end of the day, being with someone you know you can trust will mean more than all the romantic gestures you can get from anywhere else.

Don't be too idealistic about your expectations for a marriage. Take it at face value and see the good and bad that can happen and say, "I'll love it anyway".

Thoughts on Children

I saw a list in August on Pinterest about some number of things to do before you have a baby. After reading the list, I was a little saddened because many of the things that you HAVE to do before you have a baby are things that would be EVEN MORE FUN with a baby(or three). Making memories with a family is more fun than making memories with friends. Years from now, when you sit with your family, it will mean more to reminisce about FAMILY trips and vacations and memories than it will be to talk about trips with friends. Don't hold back from experiencing life in its RICHEST forms.

I was in a parenting class for my major last semester and this is from one of the readings: 

Those who devote themselves to having children and doing all they can to raise them

righteously will be crowned with the greatest blessings God can give to His offspring: full equality with Him. They will be granted the full extent of His creative power. Therefore,President Harold B. Lee warned: “Those who refuse as husbands and wives to have children are proving themselves already too small for the infinitude of God’s creative powers.”

Women Request Tickets to Priesthood Session of LDS General Conference

I wanted to share this article in Deseret News about women seeking the priesthood in the LDS (Mormon) church.

I found this an interesting piece because it shows how these women feel in a very respectful way.  As a member of the Church, and a woman, I disagree with what Kelly has said about women deserving to be on "equal" spiritual footing.  Something that I took an interest into when I was younger was the priesthood and how it is used.  Men in the Church are ordained with sacred priesthood and power that they are to use to help and serve.  Women have immediate access to this power just by knowing a worthy priesthood holder.  We can ask for Heavenly Father's help through that priesthood at any time.  We work side by side with priesthood holders who serve as leaders in the Church.  Because we have all these opportunities to work with and receive help from the priesthood, there really is no immediate need for women to be ordained.

Personally, I feel that my understanding of how the priesthood affects my life has helped me to feel just as righteous and spiritually powerful as the men around me.  I allow them to serve me as they offer priesthood blessings or pass sacrament(very similar to Catholic Eucharist) during church.  I let them help me as we team together to plan ward(congregation) activities and make better changes in the Church.  They do what God has asked them to do by using their priesthood to lift those around them.  I do what God has asked me to do by allowing them to exercise this power in ways that help me.

I don't want the priesthood and I never will.  I am overjoyed that my husband, father, brothers, uncles, and grandfathers all have this sacred power that is used to empower all those around them.  I am pleased with my role as supporter more than I think I would be if I were the "user".  I am content to fill my spiritual bucket and watch them fill theirs in the ways we've been given.