Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"Real" Marriage

I would like to say something about the realistic side of marriage that some people push under the rug. It might be TMI but I really feel like saying something. 

Every day will not be gumdrops and daisies. There will be times within a day where you fight, disagree, have different views and expectations, and you might not want to be around each other. However, marriage offers the sweetest moments of little things that come together to make your love grow for one another. These moments may be small and insignificant but they always mean something to the two people in a marriage. You shouldn't always expect to feel "in love" but you should always recognize the deep, satisfying love that comes from knowing the person you're with won't leave and won't give up. Gumdrops and daisies are nice but, at the end of the day, being with someone you know you can trust will mean more than all the romantic gestures you can get from anywhere else.

Don't be too idealistic about your expectations for a marriage. Take it at face value and see the good and bad that can happen and say, "I'll love it anyway".

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