Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Women Request Tickets to Priesthood Session of LDS General Conference

I wanted to share this article in Deseret News about women seeking the priesthood in the LDS (Mormon) church.


I found this an interesting piece because it shows how these women feel in a very respectful way.  As a member of the Church, and a woman, I disagree with what Kelly has said about women deserving to be on "equal" spiritual footing.  Something that I took an interest into when I was younger was the priesthood and how it is used.  Men in the Church are ordained with sacred priesthood and power that they are to use to help and serve.  Women have immediate access to this power just by knowing a worthy priesthood holder.  We can ask for Heavenly Father's help through that priesthood at any time.  We work side by side with priesthood holders who serve as leaders in the Church.  Because we have all these opportunities to work with and receive help from the priesthood, there really is no immediate need for women to be ordained.

Personally, I feel that my understanding of how the priesthood affects my life has helped me to feel just as righteous and spiritually powerful as the men around me.  I allow them to serve me as they offer priesthood blessings or pass sacrament(very similar to Catholic Eucharist) during church.  I let them help me as we team together to plan ward(congregation) activities and make better changes in the Church.  They do what God has asked them to do by using their priesthood to lift those around them.  I do what God has asked me to do by allowing them to exercise this power in ways that help me.

I don't want the priesthood and I never will.  I am overjoyed that my husband, father, brothers, uncles, and grandfathers all have this sacred power that is used to empower all those around them.  I am pleased with my role as supporter more than I think I would be if I were the "user".  I am content to fill my spiritual bucket and watch them fill theirs in the ways we've been given.

1 comment:

  1. Interestingly enough though, much of what we associate with the priesthood (blessings, temple ordinances, etc.) is already doable by women. Joseph Smith states that women are allowed to give blessings of faith to comfort and to heal (we've moved away from it socially though and I'm sure if someone saw it happen they would freak out). Really, what we're keeping from them by denying them the priesthood, is the right to assist in organizing the church. We're keeping them from being able to have a steady and solid say-so in what happens in the church by not allowing them in the leadership. Relief Society feels like a consolation prize.
